CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE was played on WXRT 93.1 FM  in Chicago , and WIIL 95.1 FM in Kenosha .  It was also included on the soundtrack for the Bzzz Films Independent film production TENFOLD released in 2001. Watch the clip from the movie on this page. I ALONE was used in station advertisements on WXRT , and played on WIIL. BOREDOM was included on Dragonclaw Productions' compilation CD "Repossessed" released in 2002.  It was also played on WIIL.

Spinshine played live from January 1998 to September 2002. They built a strong local following and played 275 shows. The first five songs were taken from the full length cd release recorded from 1998 to 2000.  The last four were never completed. Just drums and scratch tracks with guitar and vocals.

If you want to view more Spinshine videos follow this link:
YouTube Spinshine Videos
For all my videos follow this link:
YouTube FH3 Page

Can You Feel The Love
I Alone
Dream Away
*Asleep In A Dream
*My Best Friend
*Blue Bird
*I Told You So

*Songs were never finished


Spinshine at Hard Rock

Spinshine at Hard Rock 2